Recognizing the challenges of recruiting volunteers to longer-term commitments in the post-pandemic era, schools like Cornell in the U.S. and Dalhousie in Canada have developed micro-volunteer programs as an easier engagement gateway for their alumni. Cornell, one of the most comprehensive alumni engagement strategies globally, calls them “Done-in-a-Day” volunteer opportunities.
And Dalhousie University’s Dal Insight Circle is the school’s first-ever borderless, flexible and digital alumni volunteer program. In 2021, more than 750 alumni participated in 10 surveys surrounding a variety of strategic initiatives and projects for the University.
At Mount Royal, alumni volunteers co-designed a revised alumni awards program together with the Office of Alumni Relations in 2023. This group of alum volunteers joined three virtual focus group meetings to provide candid feedback and insight, which was incorporated into the new awards program.
“Being able to say that the Outstanding Alumni Awards was designed with the input of alum volunteers adds a different credibility to the recognition,” says Tia Hagen, chair of the MRU Alumni Council and president, MRU Alumni Association. “It demonstrates that the university values alum.”

What kind of similar opportunities can Mount Royal alumni participate in?
One initiative that utilizes micro-volunteering for young and mid-career alumni is through the Office of Alumni Relations’ Alumni Classroom Takeover (ACT). Piloted in 2022, the program has proven extremely popular with MRU alumni and current students alike.
In Classroom Takeovers, alumni return to campus as one-time panelists, guest speakers or instructors to connect with students in a meaningful way, sharing knowledge and experiences on career exploration they’ve accumulated since graduating, reflections on adjusting from campus life to “office” life, helpful industry insights and life lessons to help students prepare for their future and start building their network.
To date, more than 157 alumni have participated, and the next installment will take place in March 2024.