Any funds you receive through the Program Assistance Fund must be used directly for alumni engagement. Funds may not be used for bursaries or scholarships, sponsorship, internal or operational costs or personal benefit (i.e. conference fees, travel, or professional development).

*The level of marketing support is determined on a case-by-case basis*
“We're so grateful for Alumni Relations' support to subsidize the Info Design BBQ – it helped keep costs low for everyone and created a welcoming event for our Info Design community! I saw so many conversations between students and alumni, and alumni from different cohorts connecting with each other and with our Industry Advisory Group. Overall, it was a fun and fruitful event for alumni and future alumni!”
- Kelsey McColgan, Information Design

“The Program Fund application process was smooth - I liked that it was simple to navigate and streamlined. The Office of Alumni Relations provided a contact list, making the outreach process easier for us.”
- Jessica Lee-Wah, Faculty of Health, Community and Education